Friday, January 18, 2019

Guidelines for Internship


1.      The students shall undergo internship for 6 weeks during the vacation immediately after the 5th semester examination.
2.      The internship shall be carried out in industry/R&D labs or institutions.
3.      Internship should be presented along with the report by the end of 6 weeks and shall be evaluated by the internal panel for 50 marks each.

At the end of the internship students should be able to answer the following questions:
1)     What computer science related tasks did you perform?
2)     What is the relationship of the work to your major studies?
3)     How interesting and challenging was it?
4)     What did you learn from your experience?
5)     What were the benefits to you?
What advice would you have for a fellow student with regard to your experience?

Each internship report should follow the below discussed format: -
1.      Title page
2.      College certificate page
3.      Internship certificate provided by internship institution
4.      Acknowledge
5.      Executive summary / Abstract
This section should address the following points:
a.       About the company
b.      The problem or opportunity
c.       Methodology
d.      Key parts of the report & your findings & solutions provided in the report
e.       Benefits to the company / institution through your report
6.      Index
7.      Learning objectives/internship objectives
8.      Introduction
The introduction should include a description of the internship site and the scope of the work completed during the internship. It may include background information necessary to understand the work completed during the internship.
9.      Internship discussion
This section should address the following points:
a.       How the objectives are achieved?
b.      What skills (scientific/professional) were learned during this internship?
c.       Results/observation/work experience obtained the internship company.
d.      What challenges did you experience during the internship?
10.  Conclusion
11.  Bibliography

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