Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Top Skills to Crack Campus Placement Interviews

Campus placements are one of the biggest events in every graduate and postgraduate student’s life. Grabbing a good campus placement offer is a milestone that every student strives hard to achieve. It a milestone which isn’t easy to achieve given the cut-throat competition and economic conditions that currently prevails in India. You need good skills to succeed in campus placement interviews.

Campus placements are one of the biggest events in every graduate and postgraduate student’s life. Grabbing a good campus placement offer is a milestone that every student strives hard to achieve. It a milestone which isn’t easy to achieve given the cut-throat competition and economic conditions that currently prevails in India. You need good skills to succeed in campus placement interviews.

What are the skills required to crack Campus Placement Interviews?

Skills are not limited to only the technical skills you acquire while studying different courses in college. There are many non-technical skills required in a workplace regardless, of the nature of the job. In fact, these skills are in high demand among companies looking to hire freshers.
Build the top 6 skills outlined below and increase your chances of getting hired during campus placement interviews:

v Communication Skills

Possessing good communication skills are a must these days if you wish to grab a seat in one of the big corporate. Communication skills are not limited to being good at verbal and written communication and delivering a message clearly that can be easily understood by others. It covers much more such as choosing the right words, knowing when to take a pause, watching one’s tone, listening to others intently, and displaying a positive body language.
You can cultivate this quality while you are still in college by practicing effective communication with your friends and batchmates when working on group projects and assignments. During college internships, observe how professionals communicate with each other closely, figure out what works and what doesn’t and try to incorporate these learning into your communication style. It will help you a great deal especially during the discussion rounds.

v Problem-Solving

Problem-solving skills are among the top employment-worthy skills. Companies prefer hiring fresher who are problem solvers rather than those who wait for others to come up with solutions for work-related challenges. This particular soft skill can give you a much-needed edge over the competition. For it means that you are capable of identifying & defining a problem, coming up with alternative solutions, evaluating & choosing the best alternative and implementing the chosen alternative effectively.
You can develop problem-solving skills while you are still in college. All you need is to be open-minded, inquisitive, and the ability to analyze a problem in parts and not as a whole. You can also take online aptitude tests that are specifically designed to measure problem-solving skills of the test taker.

v Team Player

Let’s take an example from college life. Most colleges give group projects to students and to ensure completing these projects successfully needs effective teamwork and unity among the team members. Lack of it won’t allow the team to complete the project successfully and achieve desired results. The same can be linked to an organizational setting where people working in a particular department or on a project have to work in harmony towards one common goal.
Companies don’t wish to hire people who will later face difficulty in working with teams. Develop teamwork skills and become a great team player while you are still in college by taking each college project and group activity with the utmost care.

v Leadership Skills

Companies wish to hire leaders hence, leadership skills are a must for them. Moreover, good leadership skills is an amalgamation of a number of qualities such as planning & organizing skills, strategic thinking skills, management skills, entrepreneurial skills, change management, and persuasion & influencing skills.
It is often said that leaders are born, but one can definitely develop leadership skills over time. To become a successful leader, you need to improve your communication skills, maintain a positive attitude, have a clear vision, set definitive goals, follow concrete action plans, motivate others, have strong values & morals, and be passionate.

v Honesty

Although we have covered honesty as one of the qualities that come under leadership skills, it is still important to address it separately. Personal credibility and integrity are highly valued qualities in the workplace. Companies look for candidates who are honest and have strong principles during campus placements. They seek candidates who they can trust completely knowing they will never compromise the company’s standards.
The best way to demonstrate this quality is by giving honest answers to interview questions asked during campus placements and giving correct information while filling in your job applications.

v Openness to Learning

Knowledge and skills are the most important factors companies use to assess freshers during campus placements. Your learning should neither end with the completion of your college nor restricted only to what was taught there. Workplaces come with a competitive learning environment that will require you to constantly keep up with the changing technologies and customer demands. Possessing an attitude that allows you to constantly learn new skills can win half the battle for you.
Expand your knowledge outside the academics and seek what new things you can learn within your area of interest or the job profile you want to get into. 
The chances of getting a fresher job in your campus placements will increase manifold if you are able to demonstrate the above-mentioned skills to the companies. Simply saying that you have these skills won’t help. The way you conduct yourself during the campus placement interviews, your behavior, your answers, and most importantly your resume will clearly reflect whether you have these employable skills or not. Prepare to put your best foot forward.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Factors to be considered by the Faculty for motivating and keeping the students focused

They are: -
1.      Giving a sense of control is essential:
Experts are of the opinion that giving a sense of control to the kids in what actually happens in the classroom can be a wonderful strategy to keep students engaged. 
For instance, permitting them to select the type of assignment they do or the problems on which they will have to work will give them a sense of control and they will also gain the motivation to do more.

2.      Creating a threat-free environment:
It is important that students should be made to understand that there will be consequences for each and every action they take. Even though this might feel to be a threat, it can bring about positive reinforcement in their lives. When a supportive and safe environment is created for students by creating a belief in their ability, as against laying out the consequences of not doing things, they can stay motivated much more. In short, it is important to focus on what can be done and not on what cannot be done.

3.      Using positive competition can be a great idea:
Generally, competition in the classroom is something healthier. It will in some cases motivate the students to try harder to stay ahead of the competition. However, the teacher should work towards fostering a friendly spirit of competition in the classroom. For instance, group games can be conducted to promote healthy competition among students.

4.      Defining the objectives:
If students are not given a clear picture about their objectives, it will be difficult for them to complete tasks or even behave in the classroom well. So, it is the responsibility of the parents and teachers to make the kids aware of what are their objectives. It is important that students will have to be taught what is expected of them to make them stay focused. So, it is better to clearly lay out the objectives of that particular academic year at the beginning of the year itself.
If you are looking for doing the job then you need to look for placement preparation website for engineers and prepare for a competitive exam to get closer to your objective.
In addition, long-term goals are also to be instilled in their minds and should be encouraged to work towards the long-term goal as well. This will clear them out of confusion and they will be more focused on working towards their goals. 

5.      Changing the work environment:
It is true that a classroom is a wonderful place to learn, but sitting in the desk all through the day will remove the focus from the minds of students. To renew the motivation, it is the best idea to change the class environment. For instance, some field trips can be organized, speakers can be brought in and they can also be taken to the library for conducting research. The human brain loves novelty and a new setting can just help some students to stay focused.

6.      Offering valid experienced can help:
Generally, different students respond to lessons differently. For some of them, practical training will be the best way of teaching, while others love reading books. So, to keep each and every student in the class to stay focused, it is important that the teacher will have to mix up different teaching approaches. This will help students with different preferences to get focused on things that impress them a lot. This strategy will help students to pay attention and stay engaged.

7.      Offering rewards can help
Each one of us likes to be rewarded and this is truer in the case of students. Providing the chance to your students to earn rewards is an excellent motivational factor. Some strategies like appreciation, sticker on the paper, badges can really motivate the student to work towards getting rewarded. The teacher can consider the personalities of each student to fix rewards accordingly to improve the motivational factor. The teachers and parents can also follow other strategies like encouraging self-reflection, praise, allowing children to work together, giving student responsibility and by harnessing interest in them.